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Our Mission
The FirstNet mission is to deploy, operate, maintain and improve the first high-speed, nationwide wireless broadband network dedicated to public safety. This reliable, highly secure, interoperable, and innovative public safety communications platform will bring 21st century tools to public safety agencies and first responders, allowing them to get more information quickly and helping them to make faster and better decisions.
FirstNet is transforming the lifesaving work of police, firefighters, emergency management and healthcare service providers, FBI and other state and federal agencies. The First Responder Network Authority, in conjunction with AT&T, has designed FirstNet to keep first responders connected every day, during every emergency, putting advanced technologies, applications and devices in their hands.
When Seconds Count
Our Reach
50 states, 5 territories and District of Columbia
Federal, State, Local, Regional, Tribal
Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, Dispatch, Hazmat, Emergency Management

Sheriff Chris Kirk
“Our interactions with the fire department and EMS and all those connections are going to grow dramatically now that we are served by FirstNet.”
Sheriff Chris Kirk, Brazos County, Texas

Lt. Thomas L. Randall (Ret.)
“Our deputies in the field have more information at their fingertips than anybody in the nation and they have it immediately.”
Lt. Thomas L. Randall (Ret.), Brazos County, Texas

Eric Caldwell
“We are able to get out there in the field, loop up defendants, research warrants, do data entry, remote printing.”
Eric Caldwell, Brazos County, Texas
“When seconds truly matter…I can make sure my officers and community stay safe.”
Sgt. Josh Hearen
Brazos County, Texas